Sylvester Stallone as its next guest at BIg boss season 4

There are strong rumors that the next guest after Pamela anderson is non other then hollywood hunk Sylvester Stallone.

Big boss organizers are just waiting for the right time to make his entry in the show.

For more updates keep lugging to Big boss official site

Most amazing video on wildlife - Lion, Crocodile and buffalo fight at krugger national park South Africa

This video was taken by an amateur video grapher tourist by his handicam, in Krugger national park in South African. The content of the video is really rare and takes certain wild life photographers their entire life but still they are not able to get a footage of this kind.

The experts feel that in the footage if the Lions were a little older things wouldn't have been so easy for Buffaloes. Also the way the calf walked after being released from the Lions, makes them believe that it would have survived due to a specific build of African buffaloes.

No wonder this video as more then 5,00,000,00 viewers . is 8 minute video content is full of surprise and entertainment.

Hot favourites in big boss house season 4

With 5 weeks already passes the audience of big boss have already made their favorites. The favourites are chosen by individuals on the basis of their fan falling and the behavior of inmates in the house. Here is the standing

At number 1

Seema Parihar

Seema Parihar a former dacaiot from Chambal ki Ghati. The down town girl with her innocent looks and acts makes her hot favourite in the house as well as audience. She also happens to be Salman khan's favorite in the house. The best thing about Seema is her straight forward approach and not being a part of any controversy. Seema is currently on bail and recently worked ona movie on her life

At number 2
Khali the great:

The world champion in WWF is not adjusting himself in the big boss house. Khali has a huge fan following being an international icon. Not getting involved in any controversy except for the one in which he pushed Sameer, Khali is also a favourite.

At number 3
Veena Malik:
Born Zahida Malik on 26 February 1978) is a Pakistani actress, model and comedian. She has been having a realtion with cricketer Asif and then got the international exposure while she exposed max fixing strings around Md Asif. With her attention seeking acts, seducing advances she remains to be hot favourite at number 4

Best of jokes from Rajni kanth

Rajanikanth has a Brain Tumor which, according to the doctors can't be cured and his death is imminent. In one of the! fights, our great Rajanikanth is shot in the head. To everybody's surprise, the bullet passes through his ears taking away the tumor along with it and he is cured. Long Live Rajanikanth.

· Rajinikanth gave Mona Lisa that smile.

· Rajinikanth killed the Dead Sea

· Rajinikanth can drown a fish.

· Rajinikant once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink.

· When Rajinikanth crosses the street, the cars have to look both ways

· Rajinikanth can slam a revolving door

· Once a guy winked at Rajnikanth's wife - Rajnikanth twisted his limbs & broke his eyelied - we now know him as Baba Ramdev.

· Rajinikanth can strangle you with a cordless phone

· Rajinikant can lick his elbows

· Rajinikanth once got into a knife-fight. The knife lost

· There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Rajinikanth lives in Chenna

· Rajinikanth can throw the Thackerays out of Mumbai

· Rajinikanth got small pox when he was a kid. As a result small pox is now eradicated.

· Rajinikanth can answer a missed call.

· The new Indian Rupee Symbol is Rajinihanths signature

More jokes to come